Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Finding a job in New York Public Relations in the Year 2012-2013

Difficult would be an understatement. I have been searching for a job in PR for the past six months. Asking for advice and interning in the process. My desire to be a part of this industry is what keeps me off the ledge. But what are the guidelines to achieving this goal (if any) and how do i follow them in such a competitive environment  inflamed by the recession?

I am a recent college graduate majored in Business Marketing with a second degree in Fashion Design. Yes. I have submerged myself in the world of fashion. However, on this journey I've come across what seems to be nothing but road blocks and a never ending stream of politically correct rejection letters and promises to "keep you on record, should another position open up". At times this was disheartening but what I try to keep in mind is the euphoric vibes I experience every time I enter a showroom or open the pages of a magazine to see an editorial spread that I was a part of creating. That's it! That feeling is all too real. Something I could never see myself trading for a boring life of folding sweaters at the local mall.

But is it enough to get you the job? This is my burning question. I've been able to obtain some of the top in demand internships in the country but have yet to turn those into jobs. Some blame it on the market. I just think its about strategically planning around the loop holes of this industry.

Being in school is what gets you to the internship and maybe even the interview but it often doesn't get you the job. I've found that real world (industry) experience yields returns on interviews that turn into job offers. Experience also gives you room to network and this is equally as important as interning. Speaking to any and everyone has given me so much insight on the industry and contacts to people who could possible help me obtain my first job in fashion PR.

So what is this purpose of this blog Joi?

Even though you may be frustrated with your job hunt regardless of the industry. Determination and persistence will yield returns. I have created this particular article as the beginning of a documentation of my journey through my career in fashion PR. Come along for the ride!

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