Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fashion Interview Attire

So many of us industry newbies wonder what is acceptable when it comes to dressing for fashion interviews. It's easy to look at movies like the Devil Wears Prada and put something together to channel Miranda's style but what do interviewers really look for when it comes to perspective employees?

Research tells me that employers could really care less about what their employees wear as long as their clean and presentable. But how can this be possible when working in an industry that prides itself on what people look like? So as I prepare for an interview today I focused on highlighting my ability to do beyond what the job requires me to do. I kept my attire simple. Replicating the basic corporate suit with a twist of fashion. Make sure that you look as confident on the outside as you feel on the inside. Smile! This is without a doubt the best thing you can wear to any job interview.

Accessories are the pieces you can use to showcase your personal style. Wear a pair of shoes that make you feel tall and confident. Use a handbag that is professional yet screams out "I understand trends and know how to make them my own!" Give it your all. Let the employer know your the one for the job and that your willing to do the work...even before you've gotten the job.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Overcoming Interview Jitters

We all get nervous at some point in our lives. Whether it's that awkward moment right before your first kiss or the morning of your Brand Management exam.

However, there isn't a more nerve wrecking feeling that comes to mind before or even after the all to important job interview. For the college graduate on a mission to begin the greatest career ever it can be a milestone in itself. Conquering the interview stage of the job hunt is all about confidence in knowing you have the ability to do the job beyond the best of your capabilities. Owning the position in your mind before you even walk through this conference room doors is key. See yourself as already being a part of the team and speak to every aspect of the job requirements.

Fear is the moment right before something axing happens that completely changes your life. If you truly desire a career that makes you happy and challenges you everyday. This desire will overpower that fear, making you the top candidate for the position.

Push past your fears and claim what's yours!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Power of Networking

I didn't grow up a social butterfly that loved to be the center of attention or had the natural gift of gab. When I was a sophomore in college I realized what I wanted to do with my life and fashion just had to be a part of my career.

If you want to be a fashion PR it's very important to know and understand networking. First, ask yourself "What is networking?" You know that awkward feeling being the new kid at school in the cafeteria at lunchtime? Either you decided to remain a wall flower or you made the choice to spark up a conversation. That is exactly what networking is. Finding the courage to start a conversation whether its in person or through social media. No one will know who you are or your intent if you do not make it known.

My experience with networking has brought me to some amazing places. First, it gave me a voice. Which at one time I never had. Speaking to people about the service at the local Starbucks becomes easier when you realize you have much in common with the person on line behind you.

Networking got me my chance at a career I enjoy and love. It will do the same for you. Speak up!