Monday, February 11, 2013

Building work experience!

It's very important to use your time wisely and build work experience even beyond your internships. Look into doing freelance work for local boutiques in your area. Pitch your concepts to them. Evaluate their condition and explain the elements they are missing in regards to public relations and social media. Do they currently have any social media presence? Are visuals important to the? How are the communicating with media?

Create a PR plan for the boutique. Highlight their strengths but also show their opportunities, weaknesses and threats. For example, it's known that's social media has become one of the largest means of communication when it comes to connecting businesses to consumers. If the boutique is lacking that presence pitch a concept focusing on strengthening social networking relationships.

As you progress and do more and more for the success of the boutique you'll begin to see your very own PR portfolio unfold. If this is truly your passion you'll find ways to stay sharp and become a better publicist.

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